How To Run

Election Results from the 2017 Municipal Election


Nomination of Candidates

Nomination period for candidates is August 24th to August 31st from 9:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m. (excluding Saturday & Sunday). 

For anyone interested in running in the Municipal Election this year, please make an appointment with the Returning Officer. Nominations will take place at the Corner Brook Curling Club, 3 Canada Games Place. 

Nominations shall be in writing and state the name and civic address of the candidate and shall be signed by the Proposer and Seconder, both of whom shall be present together with the candidate, who shall also sign signifying their acceptance. In the event that a candidate cannot be present for his/her nomination, their proposer and seconder can present the required completed form.

Please submit your Candidate Clearance Certificate request at least 2 days prior to your nomination to allow processing. See the list of all required candidates forms.

Prospective Candidates should also review the City of Corner Brook Election Sign Policy and submit an Election Sign Permit for any election signage. For more information regarding Election Signage, please contact the Municipal Enforcement Division, City Hall, at 637-1562.

Every candidate for election to the Council shall, at the time of his or her nomination, deposit with the Returning Officer the non-refundable sum of fifty dollar ($50.00).

Please review the qualifications of a candidate for election to council to confirm if you are eligible to be a candidate and see the drop downs below for more information on running as a candidate.


How to Run

The Department of Municipal and Provincial Affairs has prepared guidance documents for running a safe campaign. Guidelines for Operations at Campaign Offices, including home offices
  • All visitors must wear masks, per current public health measures.
  • Public access should be conducted via appointment.
  • Anyone feeling ill should not interact with the public, stay home, and complete the online self-assessment tool (
  • Wear masks when serving members of the public.
  • Wear masks when unable to maintain minimum physical distancing.
  • Counters, desks, and other surfaces available to visitors must be cleaned after each visitor.
  • Door handles and touch points must be cleaned regularly.
  • Consider floor decals, directional arrows, floor markings utilized for social distancing measures.
  • Consider additional signage for instructions to visitors (distancing reminders, etc.).
  • Sanitizer must be available for visitors and staff.
Guidelines for Door-to-Door Campaigning by Candidates and Agents
  • Candidates and representatives who are feeling ill should stay home and complete the online self-assessment tool (
  • Knock on the door and step back to ensure a distance of at least six feet between them and other individuals at the door.
  • Sanitize hands before and after contact with each household.
  • Wear masks for the duration of door-to-door campaigning.
  • Candidates should not shake hands and any campaign materials should be left in mailbox or on step.
Guidelines for Campaign Events
  • Attendees who are feeling ill should stay home and complete the online self- assessment tool (https://www.811
  • Attendees at events should be limited to the guidelines from the Chief Medical Officer of Health at the time of the event.
  • Sanitizer must be available for all attendees.
  • All attendees must wear masks.
  • Door handles and touch points must be cleaned regularly.
  • Floor decals, directional arrows, floor markings utilized for social distancing measures.
  • Additional signage for instructions to attendees (distancing reminders, etc.).
  • Attendees’ contact information should be collected to facilitate Public Health contact tracing. This information should be kept for 14 days and then disposed of in a manner that protects the privacy of any personal information.
Refer to the department’s website for information and updates.
At the end of the nomination period the Returning Officer can provide you access to the voter’s list through an online portal upon completion of the Oath of Secrecy. For further information on the online portal see attached circular.
The list of electors can be used for electoral purposes only. This means that you can use the list for campaigning for the municipal election. Persons working on your campaign, and your agents in the polling stations, can only access the Voters List if they sign an Oath of Secrecy. While the list of electors is in your possession, it cannot be open for inspection (except for electoral purpose), or sold. A candidate using the list must treat the personal information it contains in confidence. The list must be securely destroyed following the 2021 general election. (Section 32- MEA)
An elector whose name is not on the final list of electors can be added to the list:
  1. Visiting the online voter registration portal on the City of Corner Brook Election website where there name can be added or updated.
  2. Visit City Hall and completing an “Oath or Affirmation of Voter” form from the Returning Officer. When the “oath” has been issued, the name of the elector is then deemed to be on the final list of electors.
A person whose name has been omitted from the list of voters and is qualified to vote may vote on Election Day upon taking an oath or affirmation in the required form. Voters will have to verify their identity and address by submitting acceptable identification.
  1. A copy of ONE (1) of the following:
    • A valid driver’s license
    • A valid government issued ID
  2. A copy of any TWO (2) of the following:
    • Bank statement
    • Birth certificate
    • Blood Donor Card
    • Canadian Passport
    • Certificate of Canadian Citizenship
    • Credit Card/Debit Card
    • Government Issued Payment Stub
    • Health Card/MCP
    • Identity Bracelet Issued by a hospital or long-term care facility
    • Income Tax Assessment
    • Letter of Confirmation of Residence from a communal or commercial residence manager, operator or owner
    • Library Card
    • Mortgage/Lease or Tenant Agreement
    • Prescription Label
    • Property Tax Assessment
    • Public Transportation Card
    • Social Insurance Number Card
    • Student Identity Card s. Utility Bill
    • Vehicle registration, insurance certificate or policy
  3. Voters who cannot supply any of the above may submit an Affidavit verifying the voter’s name, address, that they are eligible to vote and have not yet voted in this election.
There is no provisions outlined in the Municipal Election Act with respect to the commencement of the campaign period. In accordance with the City of Corner Brook Election Sign Policy, election signs are prohibited from being erected until forty-five days before the election period. You can campaign on Election Day, however, a candidate or his or her agents shall not campaign or distribute or cause to have distributed campaign materials in an area that is less than 30 meters from the entrance of a polling station. On voting day, a candidate who is loitering or soliciting votes can be ordered away by the Deputy Returning Officer.
Candidates in an election can be issued a general license to erect election signage throughout the City of Corner Brook subject to the following conditions:
  1. Signs are not to exceed three (3) square meters or (32) thirty-two square feet in area.
  2. No sign or advertisement is permitted to be located on City sidewalks, right-of-ways or properties.
  3. No signs, placards, posters or advertisements are permitted on utility poles or trees.
  4. All signs must be maintained in a safe condition and constructed in such a manner that they do not impair visibility or create a hazard to pedestrians or to the driving public.
  5. Election signs may not be posted sooner than forty-five (45) days prior to Election Day and must be removed no later than seventy-two hours after the close of polls.
ELECTION, 2021 – SEPTEMBER 28, 2021 Please contact the Municipal Enforcement Division, City Hall, at 637-1562 should you require clarification on election signage.
Candidates are responsible for all advertisements made on their behalf. Adverting is permitted on election day, with the exception that campaign material cannot be placed, posted or distributed within 200 feet (30 meters) of a polling station(including mobile poll) on election day. In accordance with Section 36 (2) of the Municipal Election Act (, a candidate or his or her agent shall not campaign or distribute or cause to have distributed campaign materials in an area that is less than 30 metres from the entrance to a polling station. Any election advertising posted in a mobile poll location must be removed prior to Election Day.
Many candidates will receive contributions toward the cost of mounting an election campaign. Within 90 days of the election, an elected candidate must file with the Returning Officer an “Oath or Affirmation of Campaign Contributions Disclosure” form The disclosure statement details: Once filed, the disclosure statements become an official record of the municipality, and must be made available for public inspection upon request.
  • Election Officials
  • Candidates
  • Agents (authorized in writing, not exceeding one agent for each candidate)
  • Voter (actually engaged in voting)


Two Advance Poll will be held for the 2021 Municipal election:
  • Tuesday, Sept 21 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, September 25 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Location: Corner Brook Curling Club September 28, 2021 is voting day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., at the following polling stations:
  • All Saints Church Hall, 44 Clarence St.
  • St. John the Evangelist Church, Main Street
  • Corner Brook Civic Centre, Canada Games Place
  • St. Michael’s Church Hall – 5 Park Drive
  • St. Mary’s Church Hall, 456 Curling Street
Two Advance Poll will be held for the 2021 Municipal election:
  • Tuesday, Sept 21 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, September 25 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Location: Corner Brook Curling Club September 28, 2021 is voting day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., at the following polling stations:
  • All Saints Church Hall, 44 Clarence St.
  • St. John the Evangelist Church, Main Street
  • Corner Brook Civic Centre, Canada Games Place
  • St. Michael’s Church Hall – 5 Park Drive
  • St. Mary’s Church Hall, 456 Curling Street
A voter who cannot vote at the Advance Poll or on Voting Day can avail of two other voting options; Vote by Mail or Proxy Voting. Vote By Mail: Qualified residents can register to Vote By Mail. Vote By Mail Kit will be sent via Canada Post. Kits will begin to be distributed by the second week of September Voters must register for a Vote By Mail Kit. Mailing dates are determined by Canada Post delivery standards and are subject to change. To vote by mail residents must first register to receive a Voter Kit. Registration for a Vote By Mail Kit can be completed using the online registration system, or in person at City Hall. To register, voters will complete a voter declaration form. Identification, that is satisfactory to the Returning Officer, must be supplied for each person registering in order to receive a vote by mail kit in accordance with the deadline established by the Returning Officer. Proxy Voting authorizes another person who is a qualified voter to vote on their behalf. An application must be made to the Returning Officer in the required form no later than 4 p.m. on Monday, September 27, 2021.
Candidates are entitled to have one agent present at a polling station, subject to the agent being authorized, in writing, by the Returning Office. Candidates and their agents must complete the Appointment of Official Agent Form found in the forms Section of this manual or on the City’ website: The Oath of Secrecy must be completed prior to 4 p.m., Monday, September 27, 2021. Candidates are encouraged to register their agents as early as possible. Official agent’s responsibilities In completing “Form“, the agent agrees that they:
  • Will conduct themselves in a professional manner;
  • Will refrain from interfering with the activities of the election workers;
  • Will address all questions to the election supervisor and will comply with their directions;
  • Will be provided with an access pass and must wear it at all times while in the Polling Station or in the counting area;
  • Will not handle any election material;
  • Will keep confidential and not divulge elections results until after 8 p.m. on election day;
  • That failure to observe the above stated rules shall result in them being removed from polling station and/or counting areas.
An agent cannot:
  • Interfere with an elector;
  • Prohibit an elector from voting;
  • Question electors as they are entering the polling station;
  • Disrupt the operation of the polling station;
  • Prevent a ballot from being counted.
The election results released on election night are the unofficial results. Candidate and agent(s) are welcome to be present at City Hall after the close of polls (8 p.m.) to obtain results from the election. The official results will be declared by the Returning Officer no later than 12 p.m. (noon) of the following day, giving the names of the elected candidates in descending order from the largest number of votes received. This public notice will also indicate the number of votes received by all candidates in the election.
Where a candidate in an election is defeated by 10 votes or less, the Returning Officer must, upon the request of any candidate, conduct a recount of the ballots cast. The cost of this recount is borne by the municipality. A request for such a recount must be made by a candidate to the Returning Officer within three (3) days after the date of the election and be commenced by the Returning Officer within three days of the receipt of the request. Additionally a petition complaining of:

(a) an unlawful return or election of a councillor; (b) no return or a double return; or (c) an unlawful act committed by a candidate returned, by which that candidate is alleged to have become disqualified to serve on the council,

may be presented to the court by a candidate for the election or another person who had the right to vote at the election. The petition must be made within 30 days after the return has been made by the returning officer of the councillor to whose election the petition relates.
Within 72 hours of the close of Election Day, a candidate must remove all election advertising material. Elected candidates must submit a Campaign Disclosure Statement within 90 days of the election.
In order to run for Council (Mayor or Councillor) you must:
  • Be eligible to vote in the municipal election
  • Not be in arrears of taxes or other charges payable to the City
  • Be ordinarily resident for a period of 30 days before the commencement of nomination period for the 2021 election this means you must have commenced residency by July 25, 2021.
A person is ineligible to be nominated as a candidate for Council:
  • While they hold an office under the Council to which a salary or remuneration is payable out of the funds of the municipality is attached.
    • While they are employed by the Council.
  • Where they are the Chief Administrative Officer of an agency or body established by the Council and that agency or body has an annual operating budget that must be approved by the Council for which that officer seeks nomination as a candidate.
  • If they were previously dismissed as a Councillor.
  • If their seat as a Councillor was declared vacant under subsection 20(2) of the City of Corner Brook Act where that election is held not more than two (2) years after the date on which that person was dismissed as a Councillor or his or her seat was vacated or declared vacant.
  • If they are a member of the House of Commons, the Senate of Canada, or House of Assembly.
  • If they are a judge of the Supreme Court or the Provincial Court of the province.
If you have outstanding taxes and other charges owing to the City they must be paid before filing your nomination. Outstanding fees owing to the City can be paid in-person, by mail, online or at a financial institution using your property account. For more information please visit the City of Corner Brook’s website. Prior to nomination please complete the form "Request for Election Clearance Certificate" and submit to the City Tax Collector ( at least two business days prior to the time you intend to file your nomination paper. Once all outstanding fees are paid, a Tax Certificate Clearance form will be issued to you and the nomination may proceed. A copy of the form can be found on the City’ website or at the end of this manual.
Nomination Period: For the 2021 election the nomination period will be all days between August 24 and August 31, 2021. (Except Saturday and Sunday). Nominations will take place at the Corner Brook Curling Club from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. A Public Notice will be issued in the Western Wire, on the City’s election website and via social media announcing the nomination period. (Section 14- MEA). Nomination requires you to swear or affirm your qualifications as a candidate. To do this you are required to complete a Nomination Form. This form will have to be completed at nomination. Candidates must book an appointment to file their nomination papers by contacting the Alternate Returning Officer at 637-1535. Your nominators must attend your nomination appointment. A candidate shall be nominated by persons eligible to vote in Corner Brook. The nomination shall be in writing and in the required form, and signed by the proposer and seconder, both of whom shall be present together with the candidate who shall also sign signifying his or her acceptance. If a candidate is unable to attend his or her nomination, the Returning Officer may accept, in the required form, a declaration to that effect from one of the candidate’s nominators together with a declaration from the nominator that the candidate possesses the qualifications required by the Municipal Elections Act and accepts the nomination. A fee, in the amount of $50, is required at the time of nomination and is non-refundable. A Public Notice will be issued at the end of the Nomination Period announcing candidates for the 2021 election.
A person who has been nominated may withdraw their nomination by filing with the Returning Officer a written withdrawal by 4 p.m. on September 1, 2021 and the nomination fee is forfeited. Your name will not appear on the ballot if you meet this deadline. If requests are not received by this deadline, your name will appear on a ballot however the returning office will provide notice to the public of your withdrawal. The nomination deposit is non-refundable.